Summary of 10 July 2024 BOS Meeting
This is my personal summary of the July 10, 2024, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
Access the 2024 BOS Chronicle for detailed summaries of all 2024 BOS meetings to date. Also, access the (UNOFFICIAL) 2024 BOS Voting Record.
Agenda Items, Discussions, Decisions, and More
- Public Comment
- Planning Commission Report
- Public Hearing
- Engineer’s Report
- Manager's Report
- Other Items of Interest
Public Comment: Tim Szwedo Comments on Stop Sign Violations
Tim Szwedo, P.E., a resident of #NewtownPA and former Chair of the Traffic Committee (which no longer exists), informed me and the Twp via email:
"I was in the Village shopping center on July 4th and saw all of the new Pedestrian warning signs that are installed either over or under various Stop signs (see photo). This is a clear violation of the FWHA Manual on Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD): A Non-Vehicular Warning sign assembly shall not be installed on an approach controlled by a STOP or a YIELD sign... This is because any [signage] with a Stop sign will diminish compliance with the STOP control. It is state statuary law that drivers must stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk that is why the warning signs are prohibited.
“The Pedestrian signs in the shopping center should be removed,” said Mr.Szwedo. “I understand that this is a private driveway, but it is open to the public therefore the MUTCD applies. An option would be to actually paint all of the crosswalks at the STOP locations. I suggest that this be referred to the Township Traffic Engineer for review prior to any action."
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Karla Jones Requests Traffic Study
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Planning Commission: Electric Charging Stations
“The members were in agreement that this proposed amendment will allow for charging stations in our Jointure and will be easily revised as technology changes. We feel it is important to make this service easily available to our residents. We recommend that the Supervisors adopt this ordinance.”
Related Content:
- Proposed EV Charging JMZO Amendment
- BCPC EV Charging Stations Best Practices
- PECO Representative Discusses Municipal EV Charging Station Options, Rebates, & Grants
Planning Commission: Off Premises Signage
“Our Planner, Ms. Fountain prepared a map that shows where off-premises signage (aka “billboards”; see definition in Glossary) would be allowed. There are certain restrictions in our current ordinance that restrict this signage; it cannot be within 1000 feet of the Newtown Bypass and it cannot be within 500 feet of residentially zoned districts. The location of these signs is thus very limited. With the Board’s permission, we would like Ms. Fountain to continue with this research to help us find suitable locations for off-premises signage so that we can address the need and possibly avoid future challenges to the JMZO [Joint Municipal Zoning Ordinance]. It should be noted that there is one billboard in Wrightstown (see photo below) which is an existing nonconformity but will be permitted with the ordinance change.”

COMMENTS: Members of the BOS were not convinced that Newtown needs to have a location for billboards because there already is a location in Wrightstown for such signs (see photo).
I said: “Why is it necessary to come up with a new location(s) for billboards in Newtown? It is NOT necessary for EACH township in the Jointure to allow billboards. The reason for why we are in the Jointure is so that we do NOT have to have a required use – such as billboards – in every member township as long as the use is permitted in at least one township. Since there is already a use in Wrightstown, Newtown – IMHO – does not have to come up with a new location – in fact, it should eliminate ANY permitted location in Newtown.”
Resume public hearing to consider establishing LI/O-LI Overlay District
The BOS decided to keep Overlay Zoning on the agenda because of the absence of one member. My pre-meeting notes include my comments below:
I note that there several properties in the LI District where such apartment complexes could be developed [ALSO DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANTS LIKE CHICK-FIL-A]:
It should also be noted that the Overlay Zoning plan allows for 20 housing units per acre, which is much more than the average density in Newtown and a “bone of contention” among several Planning Commission members regarding the proposed Corners at Newtown apartment complex. That means a total of about 146 housing units (i.e., apartments) may be allowed if all three properties noted above were allowed to be developed according to the current iteration of the Overlay plan.
Although the BOS kept this amendment on the table, it approved by a 3-1 vote to have the Solicitor draft ANOTHER amendment to JMZO to provide that ALL uses in the LI/O-LI Overlay District are uses permitted by conditional use (the original amendment includes “BY RIGHT” uses such as Mixed-Use Development and Town Center Apartments).
QUESTIONS: Who is to guarantee that the second JMZO amendment will be approved? Does this approval involve going before each township BOS or is it just up to the members who happen to show up at a Joint Zoning Council meeting? The process stinks! but does offer a possibility for the BOS to be able disapprove high-density apartment housing.
Newtown-Yardley/Tara Crosswalk RRFB
Not on the agenda, but...Charles Feuer, Al Default, and Valerie Mihalek - all residents of Newtown Walk - asked about the next steps in the process to add pedestrian improvements to the Tara Blvd mid-block crosswalk. Dominic Cundari - the Township Engineer - does his best to answer their questions and concerns.
Two Separate Projects
Mr. Feuer had several questions regarding the Newtown-Yardley Rd/Tara Blvd crosswalk project (NYTCP) versus the N Sycamore St/Silo Dr crosswalk project.
Mr. Feuer: “I think my real question is … are these being treated now as two projects with regard to PennDOT, with regard to the construction plan, with regard to the beginning of construction?”
Mr. Cundari: “They have been two separate plans since the beginning.”
Mr. Feuer: “I'm glad you clarified that, thank you,”
View, listen to the discussion:
See my meeting notes for details.
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"Dolington Deep Ditch" Needs Repair!
As of July 10, the cones are still there and no other work was done. I don’t think having 2 cones in the ditch makes this any safer. I tried to pin down which contractor is responsible for repairing the "Dolington Deep Ditch." Is it the company that created the trail, paved the road, or is it the Public Works Department? View, listen to the discussion:
Business Commons Sidewalk Project
Newtown Township is performing sidewalk construction within the existing gaps at the Township Business Commons, as well as additional locations along Lower Dolington Road and North Sycamore Street.
The BOS authorized the Township Engineer to Solicit Bids for the Business Commons Sidewalk Project: In general, the work consists of, but is not limited to: construction of concrete sidewalk; construction of stamped concrete sidewalk; replacement and construction of ADA curb ramps; installation of trash receptacles; planting ornamental shade trees; construction of infiltration trenches; relocation of existing striping and signage to facilitate the ADA ramp construction, and all necessary restorations.
The grant award of $873,000 is $121,920 short of $994,920.00, which was originally requested. Thus, either additional money must be found or the plan would need some adjustment; i.e., downsizing. The LDR sidewalk might end up on the cutting floor: the estimated cost of this short sidewalk connection is $76,400, which is a sizable portion of the deficit.
COMMENT: Rothman Orthopaedics installed a sidewalk along the Property's Terry Drive frontage, which is said “would complete a sidewalk extension already proposed to be installed by the Township pursuit to its Business Commons Sidewalk Connection Plan.” Actually, this sidewalk stops at the post office property and is only about ½ the length of the proposed sidewalk in the Plan.
QUESTION: HAS THE BASE BID TAKEN THIS INTO ACCOUNT? I definitely would like to see that the LDR trail is extended.
Highlights from the June 2024 Newtown Township Police Department Report:
- 2,274 Total Incidents (versus 2023 monthly average: 1,938 and 1,718 in 2022)
- Average of 76 incidents per day (versus 64 incidents per day in 2023 and 56 in 2022)
- 0 Auto vs Pedestrian incidents (2 YTD versus 4 total in 2023, 7 in 2022, 5 in 2021)
- 186 Traffic Citations, 6 DUI arrests, 16 reportable traffic crashes (88 YTD, 206 total in 2023 and 45 for all of 2022), 9 hit and run incidents (28 YTD versus 48 in 2023)
- 9 Fraud incidents (90 YTD versus 162 total in 2023 and 212 in 2022)
- 6 DUI Arrests (31YTD versus 44 total in 2023)
- 5 Retail Theft (29 YTD versus 23 in 2023); e.g., June 6, 2024: retail theft at Ulta Beauty -These incidents seem to be increasing, mostly involving Ulta Beauty and Lululemon
- 4 Narcotics Possession (25 YTD versus 22 in 2023)
- 1 Non-Fatal Overdose (6 YTD versus 8 in 2023)
- 140 School Checks (1,352 YTD versus 1,572 total for 2023 and 1,360 in 2022
My Detailed Notes
The following notes were prepared prior to the meeting. View the notes embedded below or download the pdf document.
Official Video
Download the time-stamped transcript of this meeting prepared by Youtube from the video: download PDF document.
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