Summary of 13 September 2023 BOS Meeting
Revised LI/OLI Zoning District Ordinance, Sycamore St/Silo Drive RRFB Plan, Corners at Newtown Text Amendment, August 2023 Police Report, more…
This is my personal summary of my notes regarding the September 13, 2023, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
Access the 2023 BOS Chronicle for detailed summaries of all 2023 BOS meetings plus the BOS voting record (UNOFFICIAL) for 2023.
Agenda and Items of Interest
- Planning Committee Report (from 15 August 2023 Meeting)
- Items of Interest
- Manager's Report
- Detailed Notes
- Official Video
- Video Transcript
Corners at Newtown Text Amendment
On August 15, 2023, representatives of BET Investments, Inc. presented their plan to redevelop the Corners at Newtown Place shopping center located at the intersection of Buck Road (Route 532) and Newtown-Richboro Road (Route 332).
— johnmacknewtown (@johnmacknewtown) August 22, 2023
Specifically, the plan is to build a 3 story,…
The Commission had some concerns about the proposed density in such close proximity to the Borough’s apartment complex called Steeple View and the impact on traffic and stormwater management. A number of members were supportive of the concept of rental apartments to attract more young professionals to remain in Newtown. We asked BET to provide information on other parcels that could be similarly developed in the TC zoning district. BET will return when they have had a chance to address some of the Commission’s concerns.
"These developers [are] coming in and what they're proposing is just ridiculous," said Ms. Peggy Driscoll, Chair of the Planning Commission, at the end of her presentation to the Board of Supervisors on September 13, 2023 (see video clip below).
Lower Dolington Road Multi-Use Trail Punch Lists
NOTE: The Township Engineer did not attend this meeting. However, the August 30, 2023 Engineer's Report included this update on the LDR Trail project: "Final Punchlist was issued to the contractor on 8/24/2023. RVE is coordinating with the contractor on punchlist items to be completed." For more details. read this blog post: “Lower Dolington Road Trail “Punch Lists”).
According to the OFFICIAL PUNCHLIST notification, “All (33) items shall be performed at the expense of Associated Paving Contractors, Inc. [trail contractor] unless otherwise noted. Work must be completed by Friday, September 8, 2023” (emphasis added).
As of the date of this update (September 17, 2023) no work has been done to correct the items on the OFFICIAL PUNCHLIST. Unfortunately, the Township Engineer was not there to answer the question: “WHAT’S NEXT?”
N. Sycamore Street Pedestrian Safety Update
In a 7 September 2023 email to Township Manager Micah Lewis, the township engineering firm (RVE) attached a draft of the N. Sycamore St RRFB Permit Plan at the intersection of Sycamore and Silo for submission to PennDOT. “This will have a 40’ mast arm on the SE corner with overhead & post mounted signals (Assembly #1 in figure below), as well as a 14’ pedestal with signals on the NW corner (Assembly #2 in figure below). To activate the crossing, 5’ stub poles with push buttons will also be provided on the SW and NE corners. Once we submit to PennDOT for permit approval, they should respond with any comments within 30 days of submission.”

LDR Trail Sidewalk Extension
A notable gap in the Lower Dolington Rd Trail exists between the end of the Lower Dolington Road Trail at Yorkshire Drive and Upper Silver Lake Road where the trail was supposed to end in the original proposal. The township did not have enough money to continue the trail as planned (the trail was to cross over to the Hill Haven development side of LDR (see image below). Some residents of Hill Haven and New Haven told me they were disappointed (listen to 11 Sept 2023 Meet Mack Monday discussion).
The Business Commons Sidewalk Project includes construction of 0.5 mile of five-foot wide concrete sidewalks, stormwater management improvements, construction of ADA curb ramps, improved striping and signage, installation of benches, and landscaping. The grant application for this project includes a short sidewalk on the west side of LDR that would connect with an existing sidewalk that goes further north (see image below).
August 2023 Police Report
Some highlights:
- 1,933 Total Incidents (2023 monthly average to-date: 1,887 vs 1,718 in 2022)
- Average of 62 incidents per day in 2023 vs 56 in 2022
- 0 Auto vs Pedestrian incidents
- 212 Traffic Citations, 5 DUI arrests, 7 reportable traffic crashes (64 YTD vs 45 for all of 2022), 4 hit and run incidents
- 11 Fraud incidents (104 YTD vs 212 for all of 2022)
- 1 non-fatal overdose (8 YTD vs 14 for all of 2022)
- 6 Protection from abuse (46 YTD vs 34 for all of 2022)
- 4 Foot Patrols (22 YTD) vs 113 for all of 2022)
Detailed Meeting Notes
I prepare detailed notes before attending BOS meetings. These notes include links to background information and other details related to the items on the agenda. See the meeting notes for this meeting embedded below or download the PDF file here.
Official Video
Download the unedited time-stamped transcript of this meeting prepared by Youtube from the video: download PDF file.
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