17 June 2024 Meet Mack Monday Meeting
This Zoom meeting focused on Beer on the Bypass (Wawa), Over Development in the LI/O-LI Districts, Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety, and more...
Opening Presentation
The following is a 20-minute video of the opening presentation:
Privilege of the Floor
The following discussion took place after the presentation. See the links below for relevant background information.
After the meeting, I received the following questions/comments from a registrant who was unable to attend:
Q1: Tara Blvd Crosswalk – “Baffled”
I don't have all the history, but am curious why the pedestrian crosswalk at Tara Blvd is was ever approved. It seems to have everything going against it; it’s mid block (huge no-no for pedestrian crossing), line of sight is awful for drivers, its a wide roadway, there's, no curb (or specific destination) on the opposite side, etc., etc. Furthermore, there is an existing cross walk less than one tenth of a mile (3 min walk) away with two pedestrian paths leading to two different Newtown Walk entrances. I'm baffled by this project. It’s obvious the risks execution of it will introduce. You should be spending your efforts encouraging pedestrians to cross at the existing, safe cross walk.
Regarding the on the cemetery side of the road – this was discussed during the meeting by a resident of Newtown Walk (listen to the above discussion).
I was not a Supervisor when the Tara Blvd crosswalk was approved. I guess it was created as part of the Newtown Walk development. Through discussions with representatives of that community, I understand that (1) there was a school bus stop on the cemetery side of the road and students would use the crosswalk to get to it. Because of safety issues, the school bus now stops at the LDR entrance to the development, and (2) even eliminating the school bus stop, residents use the crosswalk to gain access to the Newtown Trail so that they can walk into the Borough. That is what prompted further concerns regarding the safety of the crosswalk especially after a pedestrian was killed in December 2021 using an inadequately marked crosswalk at Silo Dr and Sycamore St.
I think it is unreasonable to eliminate this crosswalk and assume residents will take the alternative route you recommend. Thus, I am in favor of improving the safety of this crosswalk especially now that the township is facing a lawsuit related to the pedestrian death mentioned above.
Q2: Pollinator Garden vs Trees
If $10k was set aside to plant trees why are flowers being planted instead? This seems to be abuse of power on the part of the board.
At the 12 June 2024 BOS meeting, I specifically asked if the "Reserve Fund" could be used for the proposed purpose (Pollinator Garden in RR Park) and was assured by the Township Manager that it could. I was aware of previous discussions about the NAC donating money to a "tree fund" but could never find such a designated actual fund. But your comments prompted me to research the history.
I found the original discussion of a "tree fund" in the transcript of the March 10, 2021 BOS meeting (see the transcript of the discussion). I was the one who suggested the money could be used to plant more trees in RR Park! So, maybe there was a loose definition of “trees” that allowed this money (about $9,200) to be devoted to a garden. In any case, I believe this use is in the spirit of the wishes of Mr. Worthington and NOT an “abuse of power.” To me it means more children (e.g., from nearby Goodnoe Elementary School) and residents can enjoy a walk though the trees that have already been planted in the Park. Just planting more trees would not be as educational and enjoyable as the garden, IMHO.
Links to More Information
- Donna Serdula Submits Chick-fil-A Petition to #NewtownPA Supervisors
- What Is Chick-fil-A’s Next Move?
- Wawa Bids $170,000 for Bucks County Liquor License. Will #NewtownPA Wawa Sell Beer and Wine?
- #NewtownPA LI/O-LI Overlay Ordinance Problems
- #NewtownPA Walk Resident Comments on Crosswalk Improvement Delay
- Next Steps for Proposed JMZO Amendment to Allow a 100-unit "Garage Core" Apartment Building in #NewtownPA
- Summary of the 12 June 2024 BOS Meeting
- Summary of the 4 June 2024 #NewtownPA Township Planning Commission Meeting
Detailed Meeting Notes
See the meeting notes embedded below or download the PDF version here.
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