22 May 2023 Meet Mack Monday Meeting Summary
Nine Newtown Twp residents attended this Zoom meeting, which focused on the following topics (view the presentation below...):
- Video of Opening Presentation
- Deluca Construction Project – Appeal to Board of Supervisors (BOS): The applicants are seeking to subdivide a 3.08 acre parcel at 70 Twining Bridge Road into two lots for single family homes whereas the CM District permits only one home on 3 acres. Will they succeed in getting the BOS to change its mind and NOT oppose the plan?
- Finally! Work Recommences on Lower Dolington Rd Trail!
- Zoning “Validity Challenges”: Provco/Wawa (Combo Convenience Store/Gas Station in OR District), Kushner RE (245 Unit Apartment Building in OR District)
- Capital Grille Restaurant and Parking in Shopping Center
- Speed Limit Enforcement: Newtown-Yardley Rd
- Single-Hauler Municipal Trash Collection?
- Detailed Meeting Notes
Video of Opening Presentation
The following is a 28-minute video recording of the presentation that was made at the beginning of the meeting:
Deluca Construction Project – Appeal to Board of Supervisors
Site Location: 70 Twining Bridge Rd
- Plan is to build two single-family homes on 3.08 acres whereas Conservation Management (CM) District permits only one house on 3 acres
- BOS opposed this plan: Township Solicitor sent a letter to the ZHB on April 28, 2023, opposing the application, which said – in part: “The Board of Supervisors is very concerned with the potential for higher density in the CM District. The Township already contains the vast majority of the Jointure’s residential uses and contains very little of the Jointure’s CM zoning. The Board feels strongly about preserving the remaining 3-acre zoning in the Township. While the Township is cognizant that there is an existing dwelling unit on the property that is in poor condition and that will be removed as part of the development of the property, the Board believes that the property should be redeveloped with a conforming single-family dwelling (or other permitted use) rather than allowing more than double the density on the property.”
- Developer to attend May 24, 2023, BOS public meeting to plead its case before appearing before rescheduled ZHB meeting on June 1, 2023. UPDATE (5/24/23): The BOS voted 4-1 to send the Solicitor to the May 1, 2023, Zoning Hearing Board meeting to oppose this plan.
At the Meet Mack Monday Zoom meeting, a resident (John McIntyre) whose home is located in the Conservation District on Twining Bridge Road adjacent to 70 Twining Bridge Rd, opposed the plan by Deluca Construction. Listen to his comments…
Mr. McIntyre also made comments at the April 26, 2023, BOS meeting (view the video).
Works Begins Anew on Lower Dolington RD Trail
On May 18, 2023, workers were seen on Lower Dolington Road installing underground rain water drain pipes and basins as part of the rainwater management system associated with the trail. This work was halted back in March 2022 due to underground cables that had to be relocated. The following video shows the section of the project beginning at Frost Lane (Roberts Ridge Park) and ending at Everett Drive.
Another Zoning “Validity Challenge”

- Kushner RE claims the “Newtown Area JMZO is unconstitutionally ... exclusionary with respect to the legitimate and protected apartment use, for which use provision must be made...”
- Developer seeks adoption of a proposed “Curative” amendment to the JMZO for a “B-11” multi-story apartment building use.
Capital Grille and Parking in Shopping Center

- Seeks BOS approval of liquor license transfer from Warrington
- Location: Pier 1 Site/Brixmor
- 236 Tables (Including 26 in Patio)
- 8,500 s.f. (including patio?)
- Would bring percentage of Brixmor devoted to restaurants to 35.74% where up to 45% is permitted
- Would leave room for two more restaurants of same size!
At the 22 May 2023 Meet Mack Zoom meeting, participants had a lively discussion of the impact that a proposed Capital Grille would have on parking in the Newtown Village (aka Brixmor) shopping center.
Should the Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) oppose this plan?
Before that decision is made, however, the BOS will decide if will approve the transfer of a liquor license from Warwick Twp to Newtown, which already is way over its quota for liquor licenses. For more about that read “Capital Grille Proposing To Open Restaurant In #NewtownPA Township.”
Related Content:
- “Newtown's “Explosive Growth”: What Are the Pros and Cons? Is There a Plan? Where's the Input From Residents?”
- “Let's keep Newtown Township from becoming a 'Pottersville' - Guest Opinion of John Mack”
New Speed Limits & Enforcement
- New 25 MPH speed limits are now in effect for a portion of Newtown-Yardley Rd and ALL of Sycamore St
- Traffic citation data for Jan, Feb, and Mar, 2023, show that the NTPD are enforcing the new speed limit by issuing tickets & warnings plus the use of “ghost” police cars
At the 22 May 2023 Meet Mack Monday Zoom meeting, residents discussed the pros and cons of reducing speed limits to improve pedestrian safety.
The discussion focused on Newtown-Yardley Rd between Lower Dolington Rd (LDR) and Washington Ave in the Borough and LDR along the soon-(hopefully)-to-be-completed multi-use trail.
Should pedestrians just jump in front of cars at crosswalks and expect them to stop in time? Pedestrian-activated flashing beacons might help as well as better enforcement of the lower speed limit.
Dolington Rd may be next to see a lower speed limit, but is the township going too far in reducing the speed limits on roads? Listen to the discussion:
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Single-Hauler Municipal Trash Collection?
A former Newtown Supervisor asked “Should Newtown Township contract with one trash company for savings, efficiency, less noise and pollution?”
- How much would it cost?
- I do not recall this issue coming before the BOS during my tenure as supervisor
- What’s your opinion?
The discussion at the Meet Mack Monday meeting quickly moved on to how some homeowners associations have taken matters into their own hands to reduce costs and reduce noise and other pollution by hiring a single source for trash collection.
Left unanswered, however, was the question about whether it would be a good idea for the township to sign a contract with a single trash company to collect all the trash.
What’s Your Opinion?
Do you agree or disagree with this statement: Newtown Township has enough Liquor Licenses. The Board of Supervisors should NOT approve more transfers of liquor licenses from other municipalities. TAKE THE SURVEY NOW: https://forms.gle/EvDXeYuoMf6ZXxp58
Related Content:
- “Newtown Borough Comes to a “Fork in the Road”: Decides to Move Towards a Single Trash Hauler System
Detailed Meeting Notes
See the meeting notes embedded below or download the PDF file here.
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