Summary of 26 February 2025 BOS Meeting
This is my personal summary of the February 26, 2025, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
Agenda Items, Discussions, Decisions, and More
- Reports of Committees
- Solicitor’s Report
- Engineer’s Report
- Public Comment
- Other Items of Interest
Reports of Committees
C&N Signs
The Planning Commission’s 18 Feb 2025 Synopsis to the BOS states “all of these proposed signs had been granted variances in the past. The Commission members recommend that the Board not take a position on this application. All were in agreement that because of the locations of the driveways and entrances to the building, all of the signs are necessary.” Really? Including the signage on the clock tower? Keep in mind the following:
Signage Ordinance Violation Letters
Back in November 2024, a notice of sign violation was sent to the owners of the Village at Newtown South, citing 17 stores, including the Newtown Bookshop, that are in violation of Newtown Township’s signage ordinance Section 1106(H)(4)(A) of the JMZO, which states "No more than one sign shall be erected for any establishment unless such establishment has a facade and/or an entrance on more than one street…”
“Everything posted on the windows” – such as holiday decorations, event notices, menu items, and other such – “is not permissible,” the owners were told by Ana Gindhart, Newtown Zoning Officer.
The little business owners get violation letters whereas the big banks get variances!
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
The Commission in its Synopsis recommends that the Board not take a position on this application. The charging stations will be available for public use as well as for employee/tenant use. Public will have to pay a fee, however. NOTE: Wawa will install six electric vehicle charging stations with two plug-ins each that will be available for public use.
Medical Use in OR District
The Commission in its Synopsis recommends that the Board not take a position on this application but suggests township be careful NOT to approve any hospital uses, which can be disruptive to the surrounding neighborhood.
Further information:
Engineer’s Report
Engineer’s Report: February 6, 2025
I asked Leanna Colubriale – the Township Engineer – if she knew when contractors might be starting work on crosswalks at silo drive and North Sycamore and at Newtown-Yardley Road and Tera Boulevard. She responded:
“The contractor had provided us with material submittals that we reviewed and approved...we're working on the schedule with them. We were waiting on some better weather...hopefully ... in the next few weeks ... we might get started... we'll follow up with the contractor on their exact schedule now that the materials are approved … there's no problem with the supply chain or anything like that ... I'm not hearing that it's anything out of the ordinary at this point, but I can provide a better update once we follow up with the contractor.”
Public Comment
Delancey Court Traffic Concerns
Durham Investments is currently seeking land development approvals for a 10,000 square foot daycare center and a 6,000 square foot medical office building across Route 413 from Delancey Court on a slightly less than five-acre parcel just north of the township building on Durham Road [for more on that, read “#NewtownPA Supervisors Defend Zoning, Oppose Variance For New Daycare, Medical Office”].
Steven Kieley, representing the Delancey Court Homeowners Association, expressed concerns before the board of supervisors over future traffic that will be generated by the development.

Listen to his comments here:
Further information:
Solicitor’s Report
- Zoning Hearing Board appeals for the March 6, 2025 ZHB meeting
- Pennbroke Brandywine, LLC, 100 Brandywine Boulevard, variance to allow medical office and parking spaces
- C&N Bank, 3 Terry Drive, Ste 100 -sign variances
- Christy Guckin, 433 Burns Lane - construction of attached 2-car garage with driveway extension and construction of rear addition
- Scott & Brittany Palman, 132 Cornell Road - to allow hot tub 6’ from rear property
- Community Options, Inc., 17 Blacksmith Road - installation of 4 electric vehicle charging stations and to allow 142 parking spaces
The Board took no action on any of these appeals.
Appointment to the Joint Historic Commission
In a 5-0 vote, the BOS appointed Sandi McIntyre to the Joint Historical Commission (JHC). Ms. McIntyre served as Recording Secretary for the Commission from 2011 until 2022, and is familiar with the goals, processes, and scope of its work. The Joint Historic Commission’s primary responsibility is the protection and preservation of historically and/or architecturally significant structures in Newtown Borough and Newtown Township. The Commission is comprised of four residents from each of these two municipalities.
Appointment to the Environmental Advisory Council
In a 5-0 vote, the BOS appointed Charles Feuer to the Environmental Advisory Council (EAC). Mr. Feuer is an avid supporter of all environmental, outdoor and safety efforts to make Newtown Township a judiciously protected community for all residents and visitors. The Newtown EAC was established to protect the natural resources within the Township and create community awareness. The seven EAC members work together to build an environmentally sustainable community.
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