27 April 2022 BOS Meeting Summary
Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations, Solar Energy, Borscht Belt Deli, 4Ever Young Medical Spa, ESD Report, LED Streetlight Program, More...
This is my personal summary of the April 27, 2022, meeting of Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
See my meeting notes embedded below and view the official video of the meeting on Youtube for more details.
Access the 2022 BOS Voting Record (UNOFFICIAL).
Agenda items:
- Reports of Committees, Board Members
- Planning Commission: Volta Charging, LLC
- Economic Development Committee: PECO Presentation
- Human Relations Commission: Mural Project
- Conditional Use Hearings
- Engineer's Report
- Newtown Borough DVRPC TCDI Grant
- DVRPC Regional Streetlight Procurement Program Update
- Manager's Report
- Villas of Newtown: Reject Bids for Improvements
Volta Charging, LLC
PC Report excerpt: “The applicant wishes to install two electric vehicle charging stations in the Newtown Shopping Center. Relief is needed to permit the use, relief from our signage ordinance for size, height, illumination and for electronic message centers, which are prohibited. The charge is free, as the applicant’s business is selling electronic advertising on the charging stations. As the Joint Zoning Council (JZC) is considering drafting a new ordinance to address electric vehicle charging stations, we have recommended that the applicant meet make a presentation to the Jointure.”

At the April 19, 2022, PC meeting, Michael Megnniss, representing Volta Charging, LLC, talked about “tabling” (listen) its application to install EV charging stations in the ACME parking lot. He also mentioned that Volta is willing to appear before the Jointure (JZC) at an upcoming meeting.
THE BOS VOTED 4-1 (Calabro voted No) TO SEND OUR SOLICITOR TO THE ZHB TO OPPOSE THIS APPLICATION PRIMARILY BECAUSE IT INCLUDES ELECTRONIC SIGNAGE/ADVERTISING (watch video). Our solicitor will contact Volta’s lawyer to see if Volta will ask for a ZHB extension* while we work on an ordinance (which, in my view, could allow electronic messages in charging stations under certain very specific conditions).
*UPDATE: Volta's hearing before the ZHB has been rescheduled for the July 2022 ZHB meeting. Hopefully, Volta will be able to attend the June JZC meeting to answer questions.
PECO Presentation at EDC Meeting
Ted Dorand, PECO External Affairs Manager for Bucks County, was a Special Guest speaker at the April 19, 2022, meeting of the Newtown Economic Development Committee (EDC). He spoke about Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations and solar power.
Human Relations Commission Discusses Mural Project
I attended the April 20, 2022, Human Relations Commission (HRC) public meeting and spoke about the possibility of the HRC working with Keir Johnston, a renowned Philadelphia muralist, to sponsor an educational mural in Newtown Township with a focus on diversity, equity, & inclusion. The members expressed interest in such a project. They will continue the discussion at the next scheduled HRC meeting. [Read “Renowned Philadelphia Muralist Speaks to Newtown Quakers”.]
Borscht Belt Deli & 4Ever Young Spa Coming to Newtown

Borscht Belt Deli, 2124 S. Eagle Road
Applicants are seeking approval for an eating place use E-5 and E-6, drive thru/take out. There will be no drive thru window. Features bagels imported from New York City! THE BOS APPROVED THIS APPLICATION. View the video of this hearing [view video clip from BOS Meeting].
4Ever Young, 2123 S. Eagle Road
Applicants seek approval for a Medical Use, D-2, a med spa, in the PC Planned Commercial Zoning District. Features hormon replacement therapy and vitamin therapy IV drips. THE BOS APPROVED THIS APPLICATION. [view video clip from BOS Meeting].
Newtown Borough DVRPC TCDI Grant
Following pedestrian fatalities within Newtown Borough on October 13, 2021 and another just outside the Borough limit in Newtown Township on December 23, 2021 (read "Sycamore Street Is Popular, But Is It Safe?"), Newtown Borough is pursuing a borough-wide multimodal transportation study to create a priority listing for pedestrian and bicycle improvements.
NOTE: REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA. Originally, this was on the BOS agenda but was removed. "It was thought that a letter of support from the Township would be helpful and neighborly to include in with the Borough’s application," said the RVE engineer. "However, after further discussion with DVRPC, the letter of support is not needed at this time. If the application is successful, there may be some coordination with the Township and Borough, and we can address that when the time comes."
DVRPC Regional Streetlight Procurement Program
DVRPC funding program for upgrading to LED street lights - from the Feb 4, 2022, Engineer's Report : "The Township will work with Keystone Lighting Solutions (KLS) and DVRPC to be included in Round 4 of the DVRPC program for a possible construction timeline of 2023."
RVE UPDATE (4/27/2022): “DVRPC anticipates that Phase 4 of the funding program will occur this summer. We will need to possibly go through the kickoff meeting and letter of intent process again once the funding is formally announced. After the kickoff occurs, the Township can provide them with whatever additional utility information is needed since we already provided them with some, and KLS can then proceed with providing the Township with a Budgetary Analysis. This is at no cost to the Township and will give the Township an accurate picture as to the future costs to convert to LED lights prior to KLS completing a feasibility study. This would allow the Township to consider this in the budget for 2023 and determine if you want to proceed with the program or not.”
Villas of Newtown Improvements
Three bids were received for the work to complete the public improvements for both phases of the Villas development... the unit cost of the line items pertaining to the conversion of the detention basin is considerably higher than our estimate. In addition, the low bid is also considerably higher than the funds received to complete the project. Based on the above, we [CKS] recommend the Township reject all bids. We further recommend we review alternate methods to modify the detention basin and then rebid the project."
My Detailed Notes
Embedded below are my notes that I prepared before the meeting and edited after the meeting. It includes questions and links to background information and other details. You can also download the PDF file.
Also, some of the topic discussed at this meeting may have also been discussed at previous BOS meetings. I have compiled a chronological list of summaries of ALL the 2022 and 2021 BOS meetings in what I call the "Newtown BOS Chronicles." The Chronicles include indexes to help you find all the BOS discussions/decisions regarding issues before the supervisors.
- Access the 2022 Newtown BOS Chronicle
- Access the 2021 Newtown BOS Chronicle
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