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28 September 2022 BOS Meeting Summary
Women’s Right to Choose Resolution,
Wawa Development Plan, Business Commons Overlay, Comprehensive Plan, More…
This is my personal summary of the September 28, 2022, meeting of Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) based on review of the agenda and video archive (I was unable to attend this meeting due to COVID). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
Access the 2022 BOS Chronicle for a more detailed summary of this meeting plus an updated BOS voting record (UNOFFICIAL) for 2022.
Agenda Items
- Special Actions
- Reports of Committees, Boards and Commissions
- Planning Commission – Review of Changes to the LI/OLI Zoning District
- Planning Commission - Review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan
- Land Development
- Official Video
Woman’s Right to Choose Resolution
The resolution states “the Board of Supervisors of Newtown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania hereby affirms and commits to supporting access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion, and condemning any act by the Pennsylvania General Assembly or Congress of the United States to restricting access to that care.”
This resolution passed 3-1. Voting in favor were Elen Snyder (who put forward the resolution), Dennis Fisher, and Phil Calabro. Voting against was Kyle Davis. John Mack was absent. Also read “Regarding Reproductive Rights, Residents Speak Up For Religious Tolerance”.
Reaction From Media & Misinformation
Bucks County Courier Times Editorial:
Bucks County Beacon (a "catalyst for community organizing and action, and progressive change."): Reported "Approximately 14 Pennsylvania municipalities have issued resolutions with matching verbiage [to the Women's Reproductive Rights Resolution recently passed by Newtown Supervisors]."
The article further states: "The Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS) provides template-like wording to its member communities to ensure that every municipality conveys the same message to legislators."
I have had no luck finding that template on the PSATS site and have made inquiries. I am also a member of PSATS and have not received any notice from the organization of the existence of such a template.
UPDATE (10/2/22): From David M Sanko, Executive Director, PSATS: "Sadly, as we have come to learn, the media sometimes makes mistakes." which I take to mean that PSATS did NOT provide any template resolution regarding this issue.
Review Changes to Business Commons Overlay Plan
Lisa Wolff and Jeremy Stoff of the Bucks County Planning Commission (BCPC) gave a presentation on updating the zoning in the LI/OLI zoning districts. Their presentation showed an overlay district on the interior roadways in the Business Commons where new uses including garden apartments, retail shops and eating places would be permitted.
COMMENT: There was some discussion of including a drive-through eating place in the Overlay. But I would note that one of the purposes of the Overlay as specified by the BCPC is “Plan for a walkable community with pedestrian-oriented buildings, connections to nearby destinations, and open spaces, such as parks and plazas, that provide outdoor areas for those living and working in the area to enjoy.” Also, the township received a $873,000 grant to construct sidewalk connections in the Business Commons area. Therefore, in my opinion, having a drive-through eating place would be totally at odds with this purpose of the Overlay plan and the intent of the Board when it approved additional sidewalks
See the 9/20/2022 Planning Commission Meeting Summary for more details.
Review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan
Ms. Wolf offered some guidance on how to review the Comp Plan. Newtown Planning Commission (NTPC) members agreed to review each principle and its subsequent strategies at future meetings. The reviews will be an agenda item until NTPC has reviewed all nine principles (read “Guiding Principles of the New Newtown Area Comprehensive Plan”). After each review, the NTPC will report to the Board on its thoughts and recommendations. If the Board has input, NTPC will include that in its reports to the Joint Zoning Council.
See the 9/20/2022 Planning Commission Meeting Summary for more details.
Provco Pinegood Newtown LLC (Wawa)
Wawa "Bails" - Retreats - Again! John VanLuvanee, Provco's attorney requested a postponement:
"Provco Pinegood Newtown, LLC has authorized me to grant [Newtown] Township an extension of the time period within which the Board of Supervisors is required to take action on its pending preliminary/final land development plan application through October 31, 2022. Please put this matter on the agenda for the October 26, 2022, Board of Supervisors meeting."
I hope that this is the last such delay.
Official Video
View the official video of the meeting on Youtube for more details.

the video related to text in the transcript.
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