At the 13 November 2024 Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) public meeting, Friends Village residents Tom Cadwallader and Kip Cherry as well as Terry Christiansen requested that the township pass an ordinance to ban gas-powered leaf blowers.
“We’ve been cursed with a lot of leaf-blowing activity at our village and it has really brought it to our attention - the fact that these leaf blowers that use gasoline are creating a lot of noxious fumes, a lot of noise, are very hard on the workers and are more expensive to use than the electric and battery-operated leaf blowers," said Cherry, vice president of the Residence Association at Friends Village.
Further Notes:
As of the publication date, there has been no action on this by the BOS nor has any such ban - even limited to township property - been put forward for consideration by the BOS.

Warren Gromley, Special Project Manager, and Theresa Funk, Sewer Authority Engineer, gave the Newtown Borough Council an update on November 6, 2024. Here's my synopsis of the important points made:
- Cost estimate of $128 million, which includes the cost of 17 acres of land on 42 University Dr in Newtown already purchased
- Probably anywhere from two and a half to three and a half years during construction, the Authority would have to stay with Bucks County Water & Sewer Authority (BCWSA) and also pay off the debt incurred. That would probably mean a sizable rate hike to cover these additional costs. When asked what those increased costs might be, a 15% a year rate increase was mentioned.
Further Notes:
Representatives of the Newtown Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority (NBCJMA, aka Sewer Authority) were initially scheduled to present a Capital Project (i.e., sewage treatment plant) Update at the 13 November 2024 Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting. However, this presentation has been removed from the agenda for that meeting and will be rescheduled.
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This is my personal summary of the November 13, 2024, meeting of the Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
At the November 26, 2024, BOS meeting, Swan Point, Middletown resident Bill Everett expressed concerns about the environmental impact of the proposed sewage treatment plant on Lower Silver Lake Road.
Mr. Everett spoke about the impact on Core Creek - the “Crown Jewel” of the Bucks County park system. He noted that the delay in Wawa construction was due to the need to drill a waste water tunnel in bedrock UNDER Core Creek. He recommended an INDEPENDENT environmental impact analysis.
Listen to his comments...
Further Notes:
Jan Filios, member of the Newtown Environmental Advisory Council commented in email: “I would agree that an independent Environmental Study is warranted and probably essential to show anticipate any adverse effects in the future. It should not be done by any of Sewer authority engineers or the township engineers. The Wawa so-called Environmental Study considered what was mostly inside the property lines, when obviously Core Creek could be affected, as well as the soil and ground water adjacent to the site since water, even if treated with chemicals, WILL TRAVEL, and if not by ground water, then by piping.
At the 26 November 2024 Newtown Board of Supervisors meeting, Township Engineer Dominic Cundari gave an update on the Business Commons sidewalk project.
As to using excess grant funds to extend the sidewalks with safety curbing along Newtown-Yardley Road, Mr. Cundari indicated he did a preliminary some preliminary specifications of what the cost would be I and that the next step would be to stay in touch with PennDOT "to see if we could get those funds approved ... from from the previous Grant and secondly ... to do some specifications for a bid package ... it would be it would be a separate project."
View the video...
Further Notes:
It surprises me that some people - including at least one supervisor - believe that the additional sidewalk and curbing along Newtown-Yardley Rd is not necessary. Take a look at this short video and tell me what YOU think.
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