Frank McCarron Comments on Budget Process, Police Diversity, and Hybrid Meetings
Newtown resident Frank McCarron stood before the Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) at the August 11, 2021, public meeting and asked some very important questions.
Mr. McCarron wanted to know if the township looked at the 5-year plan (Econsult Solutions, Inc. financial report) provided by consultants at substantial cost to see if the predictions were borne out and what the impact would be on the 2022 budget. Mr. McCarron noted that the 2021 budget called for the hiring of new NTPD officers and a total of 5 new officers may join the force in 2021. He asked if any of these would be officers of color in order to make the NTPD more diverse.
Finally, Mr. McCarron called upon the township to implement hybrid meetings that would allow remote/online participation of residents in Newtown Township Board of Supervisors' meetings via Zoom or some other appropriate technology..
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