As of 12/10/2023, I have collected 202 survey responses regarding the two proposed Newtown Creek bridges - one at Frost Lane in the Borough connected to N Sycamore St in the township and one within the proposed Steeple View Borough project connected to Carl Sedia Park in the Township.
Of the survey responses, 150 (74%) are from Newtown Township residents, 41 (20%) from Newtown Borough residents. Over eighty comments have been submitted to date.
Many respondents were “strongly” or “somewhat” in favor of BOTH bridges! 54% were “very much in favor” of the Frost Lane bridge and 45% were “strongly in favor” of the Steeple bridge. Only 17% and 25%, respectively, were “very much opposed” to these bridges
More details, latest results, including selected comments...
John Mack's Insights:
You should read the comments...very interesting!
Related Content:
- “Supervisors OK #NewtownPA Creek Pedestrian Bridge Grant Application, BUT I Have Concerns”;
- “Proposed #NewtownPA Borough 2024 Budget Includes Slight Tax Increase. Allocates $1 Million for Newtown Creek Bridge”;
- “Jan Filios Discusses Environmental Concerns Raised By The Proposed Steeple View Newtown Creek Bridge”;
- “Newtown Creek Coalition Proposes a Pedestrian Bridge”;
- “Newtown Supervisors Agree to Investigate Feasibility of Getting State Funding for Bridge Over Newtown Creek”;
[Image: According to the SEPTA ROUTE CHANGES DOCUMENT: “Route 130 will be shortened and realigned.” Dashed lines represent proposed discontinued route section.]
Not enough routes, inefficient schedules and failed attempts to serve a widespread and dispersed riding public has caused the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority to rethink the way it allocates its resources in Bucks County and throughout its network.
Route 130 would be shortened to connect Neshaminy Mall and Bucks County Community College in a simple and direct way. Riders could use this service for local trips or to connect with other services.
John Mack’s Insights:
With regard to Newtown, the loop in the Business Commons will be eliminated as shown above
Rte 130 was mentioned at least by the NT Planning Commission in discussions about the Business Commons Overlay plan. The original overlay did NOT include areas without direct access to the 130 SEPTA bus line (see May 25, 2022 BOS meeting notes). SEPTA's planned changes to the Rte may have been the main reason for the alteration of that plan to disregard aligning development with the 130 bus rte.
This is bad news for the Business Commons Overlay plan to attract businesses because any workers from Philadelphia and other areas along Rte 130 would have to walk from Lincoln Ave along Washington Avenue to get to Terry Dr and then further into the Commons to get to work. Good for the cardio, but not so good for business!
Related Content:
This is my personal summary of my notes regarding the November 21, 2023, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
- 2022 Audit Presentation
- Advertisement of Single-Use Plastics Ban Ordinance
- 2024 Budget Discussion
Get the details here...
John Mack's Insights:
From the audit: “General Fund revenues were 15.9% more than budgeted revenues. Earned income tax receipts were 19.3% above budgeted projections and real estate transfer taxes and local service taxes combined were 22.1 % higher than projections. Actual expenditures came in 5.4% below budgeted expenditures.”

Newtown Township has joined a growing list of municipalities in Pennsylvania* banning certain single-use plastic.
In a 4 to 1 vote at its 6 December 2023, public meeting, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance that will ban restaurants and businesses in the township from providing single-use carry out plastic bags and Styrofoam food containers to their customers except when required for food safety. The ordinance would also prohibit restaurants and businesses from providing single-use plastic straws and utensils except by request from the customer. The ordinance is scheduled to take effect on April 9, 2024.
Snyder joined fellow Democrats on the board Dennis Fisher, John Mack and Phil Calabro in voting in favor of the motion. Republican Supervisor Kyle Davis voted against the motion.
“The waste reason is a good reason to be concerned," said Davis. "I just don’t like the government's interference in everyone’s lives. I don’t like government intrusion.”
His sentiments were echoed by several residents from Newtown Grant who attended the sparsely attended meeting. Both public commenters said the issue should be left to the business community and their customers (listen to their comments).
John Mack's Insights:
*Other Pennsylvania municipalities that have approved a single-use plastic ban include Solebury, Tredyffrin, West Goshen, Easttown, Lancaster Township, Montgomery Township, Upper Meeion, Whitemarsh, Haverford, Cheltenham, Radner, Springfield, Lower Merion, Upper Moreland, Doylestown Borough, among others.
Related Content:
- “Do You Think a BAN of Single-use Plastics Imposed Upon Local #NewtownPA Township Businesses is a Good Idea?”;
- “Summary of the April 3, 2023, #NewtownPA Environmental Advisory Council Special Educational Meeting Regarding Proposed Single-Use Plastics Ban”;
- “PennEnvironment's Faran Savitz Speaks at #NewtwonPA EAC Meeting About Single-Use Plastics Ban”;
The popular farm —known for its annual holiday light show among other events —will be reducing its size as the Fleming family prepares to turn over the property at 931 Stony Hill Rd. to a fifth generation.
The Fleming siblings who jointly own Shady Brook Farm plan to sell about 80 acres of the 130-acre property to a partnership including DeLuca Homes, the Bucks County Courier Times reported.
The property along the Newtown Bypass is near where DeLuca Homes is developing Prickett Preserve, which includes Bucks County's second Wegmans store.
John Mack’s Insights:
I would say the farm is going to get a LOT smaller and traffic MUCH WORSE! Residents expressed similar concerns at my 13 November 2023 Meet Mack Monday (MMM) Zoom meeting. View the video.
At that MMM meeting, it was noted that a portion of the farm is located in Newtown, which I was able to verify by examining the Bucks County Planning Commission Subdivision Map.
It is not known if the Newtown parcel is up for sale.
This is my personal summary of my notes regarding the December 6, 2023, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
- 2024 Budget Approval
- Tax Rate for 2024
- Exempt Personnel Pay
- 2023 Liquid Fuels Road Program – Payment Certificate No. 3 Final
- N. Sycamore Street and Silo Drive Crosswalk Improvements (PBNTT039)
- Single-Use Plastics Ban Ordinance Vote
- November 2023 NTPD Report
- Audio Visual Update
Get the details here...
John Mack’s Insights:
This is the LAST supervisors meeting of 2023. Have a great holiday...see you in 2024!
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