A monthly collection of summaries of articles curated from various news, township meetings, and other sources, focused on topics of interest to local residents. The insights expressed here are those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person. Subscribe here, if you are not yet a subscriber.
Newtown Zoning Validity/Overdevelopment Survey

Will “Validity” challenges by developers to Newtown Township’s zoning laws endanger the town’s promise of “A Great Place to Live, Work, and Worship” as well as enjoy open, undeveloped space? What’s your opinion?
What do you think? TAKE MY 2-MINUTE SURVEY
The owner of The Corners at Newtown Place business center wants to redevelop the 3.9-acre Newtown Township property into a three-story, 120-unit apartment building with related amenities. The center is at Buck Road (Route 532) and Newtown-Richboro Road (Route 332).
“The JMZO (joint municipal zoning ordinance) does not currently provide for the type of multi-family dwelling proposed by the project,” stated Matthew McHugh of Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzbur, the attorney for owner BT Newtown Corners LP. “As such, applicant is proposing a text amendment to the JMZO to allow for and regulate such use.” [SOUND FAMILIAR?] The JMZO governs zoning law for Newtown, Upper Makefield and Wrightstown townships...
John Mack's Insights:
According to the draft ordinance submitted by BET Investments, the TC district is the “most appropriate district … with the inclusion of a new use, Use B-11, Parking Core Apartment Building.”
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It’s been several weeks since work re-commenced on the Lower Dolington Road (LDR) Trail after a year’s delay due to a underground “cable issue.” I thought it would be a good time to show the progress made as of June 25, 2023.
I did a walking tour and took photos that I review in this VIDEO presentation.
John Mack's Insights:
The work stopped in March 2022 due to conflicts with underground utility cables that had to be moved.
When the major work/digging/etc. is done in a couple of months - hopefully! - Lower Dolington Road will be repaved from Frost Lane to Lower Silver Lake Rd.
It might also be appropriate at that time to lower the speed limit on LDR to 25 MPH as well as prohibit parking along the trail fo safety reasons.
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Two lawyers and one city planner representing Kushner Real Estate (aka KRE, aka KRE Upper Macungie Associates, LP) presented their zoning "Validity Challenge" to the #NewtownPA Planning Commission at its June 20, 2023 public meeting.
According to the challenge document "a municipality is foreclosed from attempting to prepare and enact a municipal curative amendment within 36-months following the date of enactment of a separately adopted municipal curative amendment or reaffirmation of the validity of its zoning ordinance."
The Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved by a 3-2 vote to adopt the E-30 (Wawa) so-called “curative amendment” on September 23, 2020.
John Mack's Insights:
Will “Validity” and other challenges by developers to Newtown Township’s zoning laws endanger the town’s promise of “A Great Place to Live, Work, and Worship” as well as enjoy open, undeveloped space? Tell me your opinion.
View the application, including all plans, explanatory material, and proposed ordinance amendment.
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I'm sure there will be a long line of requests for these funds and Newtown Supervisors will have to weigh all the options. Most importantly, in my opinion, are the opinions of township residents.
- About the American Rescue Plan
- According to Residents, What SHOULD the Money Be Used For?
- Residents' Comments
- John Mack's Comments on Proposed ARPA Capital Spending
- How Have the Funds Been Spent So Far?
John Mack's Insights:
A series of proposals - totaling $120,000 - to revamp the public meeting room A/V will be discussed at the July 12, 2023, Board of Supervisors Work Session, which begins at 6 PM.
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At the June 14, 2023, #NewtownPA BOS meeting, supervisors considered approving a resolution to apply for an Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) grant for the construction of a pedestrian-activated overhead Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at the Newtown-Yardley Rd/Tara Blvd crosswalk.
During the discussion, Newtown Walk residents, including Charles Feuer and Valerie Mihalek, were disappointed that this grant money, if awarded, would not be available until 2024 while accidents and near accidents continue to occur at this crosswalk.
Supervisor John Mack suggested that some of the $250,000 allocated in the 2023 budget for Sycamore St be used for the Tara Blvd crosswalk.
View the video to find out what was decided...
John Mack's Insights:
Newtown Walk residents are obviously “disappointed” by the township’s pedestrian safety priorities, which are based on “first come, first served” mentality rather than urgent need!
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- ARLE Funding Program: Pedestrian Safety - Sycamore St versus Newtown-Yardley Rd
- Wawa Settlement Agreement
Read the summary...