Brixmor Traffic & Sycamore St Pedestrian Safety Update
At the February 9, 2022, Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, Remington & Vernick Traffic Engineer Derrick Kennedy gave an update and answered questions pertaining the Brixmor Shopping Center traffic impact study and North Sycamore Street pedestrian safety report.
Brixmor Shopping Center Traffic Study
According to the township engineer's 25 Jan 2022 review of the traffic study, several intersections in the shopping center are experiencing significant delays, but we didn't a traffic study to know that! The study, however, quantifies the wait times.
According to the review, traffic at several intersections are experiencing significant delays:
- Comment 2: The intersection of Eagle Road at West Road operates at Overall LOS F for the Saturday Peak period, with the eastbound approach having significant queuing and delays. Consider mitigation factors to modify distribution within the site to improve the LOS for certain movements.
- Comment 3: The intersection of Eagle Road at Silo Drive operates at an overall intersection LOS F, with the northbound approach having significant queuing and delays. Consider mitigation factors to modify distribution within the site to improve the LOS for certain movements.
- Comment 4: The intersection of Sycamore Street at Silo Drive operates at an overall intersection LOS E with the Eastbound approach of Silo Drive operating at LOS F, a v/c ratio of 0.95, and significant queuing problems at Saturday peaks. Consider mitigation factors to modify distribution within the site to improve the LOS for certain movements.
Sycamore Street Safety Study Update
The township traffic engineers (RVE) are completing a detailed report with their recommendations for N. Sycamore St. According to the February 4, 2022, Engineering Report:
- RVE provided the Township with a memorandum of recommendations for improvements on1/11/2022
- RVE has performed site distance measurements at intersections along the corridor and is in the process of reviewing additional data provided by the Police Department.
- RVE is currently soliciting quotes in accordance with PA procurement laws to upgrade the lighting to brighter LED fixtures. RVE is also performing a lighting analysis to review the brightness.
- RVE has also begun crash data analysis to pursue a reduction in the speed limit from 35 MPH to 25 MPH between Swamp Road and Durham Road.
One item NOT included in the report is the recommendation to install TS60-RRFB LED Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs). RRFBs are used to supplement warning signs at uncontrolled intersections or mid-block crosswalks. RRFBs feature flashing, high-intensity LEDs that alert motorists that pedestrians are using the crosswalk. Studies have shown that RRFBs significantly increase driver yielding behavior and are approved by the Federal Highway Administration.

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