A monthly collection of township meeting summaries and curated content focused on topics of interest to local Newtown area residents. The insights expressed here are those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person. Subscribe here, if you are not yet a subscriber.
The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) voted to suspend and investigate a proposed rate increase by Newtown Artesian Water Company for water service.
According to the PUC: "Investigation and analysis of this proposed tariff supplement and the supporting data indicates that the proposed changes in rates, rules, and regulations may be unlawful, unjust, unreasonable, and contrary to public interest. It also appears that consideration should be given to the reasonableness of Newtown’s existing rates, rules, and regulations."
Hundreds Give Newtown LL World Series Team A Huge Welcome Home - Newtown, PA - As the stunned players departed the bus, not expecting such a large crowd, colorful paper confetti cascaded down from above.
I spoke with the #NewtownPA Township Manager Micah Lewis who said he will work with the BOS Chairperson to draw up a Proclamation to give to the team, which I hope will happen IN PERSON when they, their coaches, and family members attend a September 2024 BOS meeting (date to be determined).
Plaque given to 2005 team.
Keith Terry, who coached on the 2005 team, informed me that supervisors at that time presented each player and coach with a special plaque (see photo above). The current Board of Supervisors plan to do the same for this year's team.
This is my personal summary of the August 14, 2024, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
Agenda/discussions included: LI/O-LI Overlay sent to Jointure with “Use-by-Right” language – may be modified to "conditional use" later, Business Commons sidewalk project delayed, Silo Dr vs Tara Blvd crosswalk project bid procedure, July 2024 Police Report, More…
Further Notes:
Access the 2024 BOS Chronicle for detailed summaries of all 2024 BOS meetings to date. Also, access the (UNOFFICIAL) 2024 BOS Voting Record.
May 2024 #NewtownPA Area Jointure Comprehensive Plan Released. It took about 5 years for the 3 members of the "Jointure" (Newtown, Wrightstown, and Upper Makefield) to finish with the help of the Bucks County Planning Commission... Now the final Plan (with resolutions included) has been released for publication.
The new street Sweeper has arrived! The BOS approved the purchase by a 3-1 vote at the March 8, 2023 BOS meeting.
This piece of equipment will be primarily used for Yearly Street Sweeping Program as well as cleaning debris from storm water inlets as per MS-4 requirements. This piece of equipment is also used in emergency situations when requested by our Police & Fire Departments.
Money from the American Rescue Fund was used for the $292,882.75 purchase price.
John Mack’s Insights:
On June 29, 2021, Newtown Township received $1,024,920.93 from the American COVID Relief Fund. The Township is required to "obligate" (meaning having spent for a covered service or have a signed contract for a service) the American Rescue Funds by the end of 2024. The township currently has approximately $400,000 in COVID relief funds that are not yet obligated. The township intents to use this money to pay for a majority of the existing 2024 road program. This will allow for an additional $400,000 of funding to be held in the Liquid Fuels/Highway Aid fund to be used for a more robust road program in 2025. note that ONLY 1.99 miles of roads were repaved in 2024 – much less that the 3 – 4 miles of roads that should be repaved per year just to keep up with current conditions.
On August 22, 2024, I and several other students of an Unscripted Productions stand-up comedy class held a "graduation" session at the Comedy Club above Poco's restaurant in Doylestown PA.
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