Several residents of Newtown Walk are concerned about pedestrian safety using the crosswalk at the intersection of Tara Boulevard and Newtown-Yardley Rd. On September 12, 2022, Newtown Township Manager Micah Lewis notified supervisors of additional safety improvements to this crosswalk and along NT-Yardley Rd.
The new safety measures include:
- Extension of the center median further west on Newtown Yardley Road and to use flexible reflective delineators to create a refuge island in the center of the road.
- Installation of additional “Pedestrian Crossing Ahead” signage in both the east & westbound lanes.
- Adding white pavement markings leading up to the crosswalk in the east & westbound lanes reading "PED-XING"
The work will be completed in-house by the Public Works Department once the materials are received.
At the September 14, 2022, BOS meeting, Newtown supervisors OK'd authorized the advertisement of a Stormwater Management Ordinance Update to meet DEP MS4 requirements.
MS4 stands for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. MS4s are conveyances or systems of conveyances including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains that are owned or operated by a public entity, are designed or used for collecting or conveying StormWater Definition, and are not a combined sewer or part of a publicly owned treatment works.
More... including quick takeaways from a Newtown expert.
Joel Winston of the Cohen Law Group answered questions from Newtown Joint Zoning Council (JZC) members regarding updating the draft JZC 5G Small Cell Antenna Ordinance.
A new ordinance will be drafted that includes additional safeguards and more adequate notice to residents and other suggestions made by Mr. Andrew Campanelli, ESQ., a national expert in telecommunications law (read "An Expert's Critique of the JMZO 5G Wireless Ordinance").
Read more and listen to the discussion...
It’s been a long hot summer and much has happened while we were on vacation. The Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) has received many comments from residents this summer regarding several issues – especially pedestrian safety, Lower Dolington Road trail delays, and women’s reproductive rights (i.e., abortion).
Several residents joined me via Zoom to discuss these and other issues at the September 12, 2022, Meet Mack Monday meeting.
Read the summary of this meeting here...
John Mack's Insights:
Are you concerned about overdevelopment in Newtown, tax increases, traffic, quality of our roads, preserving open space or about any issue that has or will come before the Board of Supervisors (BOS) and other township boards and commissions?
Feel free to attend one of my Meet Mack Monday (MMM) events that I host periodically, usually the 2nd Monday of the month before the first BOS meeting
At the September 14, 2022, BOS meeting, resident Frank McCarron criticized the anti-gun show agreement between the township and the NAC Sports Training Center.
Mr. McCarron specifically focused on the meaning of "primary purpose," which is not defined by the agreement and thus opens a loophole to allow the Center to host at least one event every year that sells all kinds of guns - including assault rifles.
View the video of his remarks.
John Mack's Insights:
It should be noted that this settlement specifically applies to the NAC Sports Training Center. Other venues may allow such shows under their certificates of occupancy. It is possible, therefore, that such a show may pop up at another location within the township.
Related Content:

The Newtown Public Meeting Room was packed at the September 14, 2022, BOS meeting, with residents opposed to the "Women's Right to Choose" resolution.
After more than one and one half hours of comments from residents, supervisors voted 3-2 to table the motion to vote on the resolution, which was proposed by Supervisor Elen Snyder.
The resolution - entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NEWTOWN, BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, AFFIRMING THE NEWTOWN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ COMMITMENT TO VALUING REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS AND SUPPORTING ACCESS TO ABORTION" - says "...the Board of Supervisors of Newtown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania hereby affirms and commits to supporting access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion, and condemning any act by the Pennsylvania General Assembly or Congress of the United States to restricting access to that care."
View the video of the decision starting with the motion and public comments.