John Mack - Newtown Supervisor

A monthly collection of summaries of articles curated from various news, township meetings, and other sources, focused on topics of interest to local residents. The insights expressed here are those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person. Subscribe here, if you are not yet a subscriber.

From - August 22, 2023

On August 15, 2023, representatives of BET Investments, Inc. presented their plan to redevelop the Corners at Newtown Place shopping center located at the intersection of Buck Road (Route 532) and Newtown-Richboro Road (Route 332). Specifically, the plan is to build a 3-story, 120 unit multi-family apartment building with related amenities on the approximately 3.909 acre parcel (Tax Parcel No. 29-011-243).

View the 10-minute video...

One word kept coming up during the review of this planned upscale apartment complex at Sycamore Street and Richboro Road. And that word was “density.” There were other concerns as well.

More about that here...

From - August 18, 2023

Twitter’s blue tick, popularly known as the verification badge, is a symbol that shows an account’s authenticity and credibility. However, besides that, there are many useful benefits of having a blue tick on Twitter, including:

  • Longer Tweets: I can now Tweet up to 10,000 characters.
  • Longer Videos: I can now upload videos up to ~60 minutes long and up to 2GB file size (1080p). Wow!
  • Format Text: I can bold and italicize text in my tweets
  • More...
From - August 17, 2023

Agenda includes:

  • JMZO 2022-03 – Bill Board Use Redraft; Billboards Allowed in Newtown Only?
  • JMZO-2022-01 - Wireless Communications. Draft from Cohen Law Group Received. Review of Ordinance & Technical Manual Modify Jointure Agreement to codify current Practice of JPC & JZC. Current agreement redlined. JS sent to Township BOS for review.
  • JMZO 2022-02 – Electric Vehicle Charging Stations – NT proposal. Redraft (JS/KM) and send to PCs for review.
  • Comprehensive Plan: Draft Plan being reviewed by PC’s/BOS. Draft approved with minor revisions WT BOS & NT BOS. Waiting for comment UMT BOS
  • Video of Zoom Meeting

From August 3, 2023

This letter is regarding the article in the (July 20) Herald about a developer seeking to bar Newtown Township Supervisor John Mack from an upcoming vote on the proposed 245-unit multi-story apartment building on Lower Silver Lake Road near the Newtown Bypass (read “Kushner RE Attorney Blackburn Moves to Muzzle Mack!").