On 11 March 2025, the Newtown Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority Board (NBCJMA, aka Newtown Sewer Authority) voted to halt work on a proposed wastewater treatment plant in Newtown Township.
The 3-2 decision does not cancel the project, but stops planning for the Newtown Township facility at a 17.5-acre site off Lower Silver Lake Road and University Drive near the Newtown Bypass, which is close to the Middletown Township border.
In the future, should NBCJMA rescind its vote and continue its plans to build a sewer plant, it will still have to convince Newtown Township to amend Act 537, which states ""The Township’s continued use and expansion of the Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority’s (BCWSA) conveyance system that includes the Neshaminy Interceptor for sewage conveyance to the City of Philadelphia’s Northeast Water Pollution Control Facility."

Some Upper Makefield residents wonder if the catastrophic floods that inundated parts of the township in 2023 affected flow of jet fuel into their wells after a leak was recently discovered from a Sunoco pipeline in a neighborhood off of Mt. Eyre Road.
Rain also affects how far a liquid can spread through the soil, said Karen Ogden, a watershed specialist for the Bucks County Conservation District. While dry conditions may leave the jet fuel to pool around the leak, wet weather allows the petroleum to travel farther [perhaps as far as the Newtown Artesian Water wells as shown in image?}
At the 12 March Newtown BOS meeting, resident Valerie Mihalek reported that see attended a Sunoco and PA Dept of Environmental Protection meeting regarding the jet fuel pipeline leak in UM. At that meeting, she asked "if leaks could work its way down to the artesian Wells that are a source of drinking water in Newtown? Sunoco representatives looked at me like a deer in the headlights... like they had not thought of this one," she said. Listen to her remarks on Youtube.
At the 26 February 2025 Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) public meeting, Elen Snyder, chairperson of the BOS, commended local firefighters for their response and life-saving efforts during a recent house fire in Lower Makefield Township. An older couple who lived in the home was rescued and needed to be hospitalized due to fire-related injuries, according to reports.
At public comment, resident Valerie Mihalek echoed the sentiment and recognized the two firefighters by name for their actions. “I would like to echo the words of Supervisor Snyder in recognizing firefighter Michael Bradshaw and firefighter Quinnten Jones for their incredibly heroic efforts
At the March 26, 2025, BOS public meeting, Newtown will be honoring its firefighters for their heroic actions.

View an in depth Yoube webinar on what is causing the surge in electricity prices and what can be done about it.
Natural Resources Defense Council's (NRDC's) Robert Routh: explains the basics of what PJM is, how the markets operate on a basic level. Note: PJM stands for Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection, a regional transmission organization that coordinates the flow of electricity in a 13-state region, including parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Ohio, and others.
PennFuture and Conservation Voters of PA explained who’s in charge of our electricity and how we can work to make it more affordable. According to the experts who presented at this webinar, policymakers and residents must be wary of the false solutions sold by oil and gas CEOs.
PennFuture’s perspective: Clean energy (e.g., solar) and energy efficiency are the most immediate and effective ways to drive down costs. Fossil fuel dependence = volatility and necessarily increasing costs. Clean energy and energy efficiency lower costs and create reliability on the grid
Not Just Electric - Gas Prices Are Rising Even More!
My monthly PECO bill for electricity + gas rose from $356 in Oct 2024 and $457 in Nov 2024 to $664 in Jan 2025 and $630 in Feb 2025. My small 1900 sq ft house is gas heated. My bill for gas in the Feb 2025 bill was 80% higher than in the Dec 2024 bill (the electricity part rose 25%).
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This is my personal summary of the 26 February 2025 meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS).
Includes: Zoning Hearing Board Appeals: Electic Car Charging, Bank Sugnage, more, Engineer’s Report: Crosswalk Safety Improvements, Public Comment: Delancey Court Has Traffic Concerns, Appointment to the Joint Historic Commission, Appointment to the Environmental Advisory Council, more…
Details here...
After pledging allegiance to the U.S. flag at the beginning of the 12 March 2025 BOS public meeting, I turned and focused on the Ukrainian Army logo T-shirt that I wore in support of Ukraine. The pin above the logo is a combined U.S. and Ukrainian flag is reminiscent of the time that the U.S. officially supported Ukraine.
In my comments later (view on Youtube), I reminded the audience that on April 13, 2022, the Newtown BOS unanimously voted to divest Twp pension funds of Aberdeen (ABEMX) holdings, which included Russian and Chinese securities, in protest against the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the apparent war crimes being committed by Russia in Ukraine.
My survey at the time revealed that 78% of Newtown Residents approved this decision.
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