Because the General Assembly has not passed a plan to distribute the funds, residents in need are waiting for rent relief and money that could help save small businesses, some lawmakers said.
Democratic legislators have introduced their own Pennsylvania Rescue Plan, which would distribute the $7.3 billion of federal help to schools, workers, businesses, families, renters, landlords and more.
Republican lawmakers, who hold the majority in the state Legislature, have not released a plan to distribute the funds.
NOTE: Newtown Township’s allocation of these funds is anticipated to be $1,936,231. The Township should have ½ of the Township’s funds by June 9, 2021. The State will have it by May 10, 2021 and it has 30 days to distribute to municipalities. The second half will come before March 11, 2022.
John Mack's Insights:
What Can That Money Be Spent On?
There are several suggestions and recommendations already being put forward by groups such as the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors.
TAKE MY SURVEY and tell me what that money SHOULD be spent on.
Township Planner Michele Fountain was a guest speaker at the May 4, 2021, Newtown Planning Commission (PC) Zoom meeting. The topic was "LI & OLI Zoning District Land Use." It is the first of a planned series of presentations.
The goal of Ms. Fountain's presentation was to start a discussion among PC members regarding new uses that should be allowed in these districts to attract new businesses with high-paying jobs.
How important do YOU think it is to bring new businesses to Newtown? TAKE MY SURVEY and tell me.
Watch the video...
WHEREAS, Juneteenth is recognized as the oldest commemoration of Black economic liberation in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the last people legally enslaved in Bucks County were freed from slavery in Doylestown Township in 1824 into indentured servitude for decades longer; and WHEREAS, President Abraham Lincoln first issued the Emancipation Proclamation effective January 1, 1863, freeing enslaved people in the South. However, southern slave owners ignored that order. On June 19th , 1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas and enforced the President's order, freeing the slaves two and a half years after it was first decreed. This day has since become known as Juneteenth; and
John Mack's Insights:

[The Newtown Board of Supervisors] voted unanimously on April 28, 2021, to send its solicitor to the Zoning Hearing Board May 6, 2021, meeting to oppose the zoning relief.
The Provco Group, a commercial real estate agency based in Villanova and the equitable owner of the property, is seeking to build a 5,585 square foot Wawa with gas pumps on a 4.9 acre site across from Crossing Community Church at Lower Silver Lake Road and the Bypass.
Provco is seeking relief for eight fueling dispensers on 4.9 acres where six are permitted by right and seven would require at least five acres. Provco is arguing the seventh would require only de minimis relief and should be granted and that eight dispenser would create better traffic flow through the site. Provco also is requesting electronic message signage to display fuel prices, which the supervisors are unanimously opposing.
“I’m opposed to seven or eight dispensers,” said Supervisor John Mack. “Like I said before, give them seven and they want eight. I want to stick to our guns on what the E30 ordinance says - de minimis or not de minimis.” Mack said he’s also opposed to electronic messaging boards, arguing it’s not something that’s permitted anywhere in the jointure.
While opposing the variances, the supervisors are not opposing a special exception request by Provco to build a Wawa in the township’s office research zone.
John Mack's Insights:
The de minimis doctrine only applies when 91) a minor deviation from the dimensional uses of a zoning ordinance is sought and (2) rigid compliance with the zoning ordinance is not necessary to protect the public policy concerns inherent in the ordinance.
I believe that re (2), rigid compliance IS necessary because the public is concerned about potential damage to the watershed in the area and the unsightly extra large canopy that will be visible from the Bypass. Less is better!
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[Image: Toll Bros representative makes his case at the hearing. View the video of the hearing.]
A proposed residential development that’s been at the center of legal challenges and controversy in Upper Makefield for nearly 15 years again entered the spotlight at the township’s Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 2021.
Ultimately, supervisors voted unanimously to reject Fort Washington-headquartered developer Toll Brothers’ proposal to build 45 single family homes on some 66 acres off Stoopville Road. The land is commonly referred to as the Melsky Tract Subdivision.
Supervisors primarily rejected the proposal because they believe Toll is trying to build too many homes on the land, given what the land can stand, asserting that stormwater will not properly infiltrate the ground, instead becoming disruptive runoff. Upper Makefield has an ordinance that requires proper infiltration.
As a result of denying the proposed development plan, township officials are anticipating a renewed legal challenge from Toll.
John Mack's Insights:
On August 26, 2020, the Newtown Twp Board of Supervisors vote unanimously to deny Toll Bros' "Condition Use" application to build 45 homes in Conservation District along Twining Bridge Road. Read “Newtown Township Supervisors Deny Toll Brothers Plan.”
As expected, Toll Bros filed a court case against the Township. This litigation process has not yet been resolved.
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