17 June 2024 Meet Mack Monday Zoom meeting attendees discuss what's on their minds including:
- Tara Blvd crosswalk safety improvements
- The possibility of Wawa selling beer 24/7
- Problems with the LI/O-LI Overlay proposal
- Plus other issues
Listen to the discussion here...
John Mack’s Insights:
View the presentation made before the floor was opened for discussion: https://sco.lt/5U8OZM
This is my personal summary of the July 10, 2024, meeting of the #NewtownPA Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
Agenda/discussions included: stop sign violations, allow billboards in Newtown? LI/O-LI Overlay BY RIGHT vs CONDITIONAL USE, “Dolington Deep Ditch,” Business Commons sidewalk project, June 2024 Police Report, more…
Further Notes:
Access the 2024 BOS Chronicle for detailed summaries of all 2024 BOS meetings to date. Also, access the (UNOFFICIAL) 2024 BOS Voting Record.
Charles Feuer, Al Default, and Valerie Mihalek - all residents of Newtown Walk - asked about the next steps in the process to add pedestrian improvements to the Tara Blvd mid-block crosswalk.
Dominic Cundari - the Township Engineer - does his best to answer their questions and concerns.
View the video...
BET Investment is seeking an amendment to the Joint Municipal Zoning Ordinance (JMZO) to add a B-11 use for a "garage core" multi-story apartment building in the Town Center zone in #NewtownPA Township.
The June 4, 2024, Planning Commission discussion starts with comments from the Newtown Planning Commission whether or not they approve recommending to the Board of Supervisors to eventually approve this amendment. In the end, the PC Solicitor outlines the possible next steps that BET may want to take - in particular, going before the Joint Zoning Commission (JZC) to present their plan and get their unofficial FEEDBACK, NOT APPROVAL (as originally reported in the Patch).
View the video here...
John Mack’s Insights: It is NOT appropriate for the developers to DIRECTLY ask the Jointure to approve an amendment of the JMZO as was originally reported the Patch. In this case, it would be up to the Newtown BOS to bring it before the Jointure and as the PC Solicitor said this process is "nowhere near" that point!
Concrete work - estimated start date Wednesday, June 26th. It will take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete the concrete replacement work. This includes the demo/install of new concrete.
Milling and Paving operations will commence as follows once concrete work is complete:
More details...
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