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Water Treatment Expert Says Effluent from Proposed WWTP Will Further Impair Lake Luxembourg
At the January 22, 2025, Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, Middletown resident Ray Post - a professional engineer with 49 years of experience in water treatment - commented on the amount of Phosphorus and Nitrogen that the proposed #NewtownPA Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) will release into the already environmentally "impaired" Lake Luxembourg. Mr. Post used numbers from the Wolcott WWTP to calculate his estimates for the Newtown plant that will be patterned after the Wolcott plant. Also read "Water Treatment Expert Comments on Proposed Newtown WWTP".
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Video Playlists
The following are playlists of short video clips from Newtown Township Board of Supervisors meetings, advisory committee meetings, and other news worthy events of interest to Newtown Township area residents. Select a “playlist” from the menu below, then click on the small menu icon in the upper right corner of the video of your choice to play video.
Playlist Menu
- Newtown News & Politics
- Meet Mack Monday
- Newtown Area Development
- Traffic, Pedestrian Safety, Roads
- Newtown Budget & Finances
- Environmental Issues
- Residents Speak Out
- Comedy
- Fire/Police/Emergency Services
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
- Miscellaneous

Newtown News & Politics Playlist
The videos in the Newtown News & Politics video are mainly focused on public meetings of the Newtown Board of Supervisors and other official boards, commissions, and committees.
Meet Mack Monday
The videos in the Meet Mack Monday playlist are from my Meet Mack Monday Zoom meetings. Most include a presentation of issues and comments/questions from attendees.
Newtown Area Development
The videos in the Newtown Area Development video playlist are focused on commercial and private development issues in Newtown Township and the surrounding area.
Traffic, Pedestrian Safety, Roads
The videos in the Traffic, Pedestrian Safety, Roads playlist relate to traffic and pedestrian safety issues - anything to do with Newtown Township area roads, pedestrians, bicycling, etc., including trails.
Newtown Budget & Finances
The videos in the Newtown Budget & Finances Playlist are focused on BOS discussions related to budgets and other financial matters.
Environmental Issues
The videos in the Environmental Issues video playlist are focused on discussions and actions by the Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) and other public forums regarding environmental issues. Included are comments made by residents before the BOS at public meetings.
Residents Speak Out
The videos in the Residents Speak Out video playlist are focused on comments made by local area residents during Meet Mack Monday meetings and at official public Board of Supervisor meetings.
The videos in the Comedy playlist are focused on comedy skits by John Mack and moments from official meetings that are laughable. JUST SAYIN'
Fire/Police/Emergency Services
The videos in the Fire/Police/Emergency Services video playlist are focused on reports and discussions regarding fire, police, and medical emergency issues.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The videos in the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusions video playlist relate to racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination issues of interest to residents in the Newtown Township area.
The videos in the Miscellaneous video playlist are focused on miscellaneous topics.
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