Featuring content curated from articles published in local newspapers and other sources. The insights/opinions expressed here are solely those of John Mack and do not represent the opinions of any other person or entity.
New Toll Bros Development Plan
At the February 23, 2022, Newtown BOS Meeting, the Supervisors will vote on a settlement with Toll Bros that includes a revised "North Drive Plan" to develop 45 single family homes on approximately 158 acres of the All Saints Cemetery property located along Twining Bridge Road near its intersection with Durham Road (S.R. 413).
Included in the plan are nearly 100 acres of open space dedicated to the township. About 12 acres are adjacent to the municipal center and could possibly be used to expand the complex (e.g., new police building).
The plan was presented to over 1,800 nearby residents in a January 20, 2022, letter. See comments from residents submitted by email to Toll regarding this development. If you have any comments regarding the proposed North Drive Plan, please forward your comments to the township: kristie@newtownpa.gov
There is growing concern over the upcoming “Newtown Gun Show” advertised to be held at the NAC Sports Training Center on March 26-27, 2022. This is an Eagle Arms Production show. At the January 26, 2022, Newtown Board of Supervisors (BOS) public meeting, several members of the public voiced concerns about this show.
According to Newtown Township Manager Micah Lewis, this type of use is not currently permitted under the existing Certificates of Occupancy for the Newtown Sports Training Center and on January 24, 2022, a Notice of Violation was sent to the owner of the establishment (Newtown Racquetball Assoc.)
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John Mack's Insights:
After residents voiced concern, NAC owner Jim Worthington says he will postpone the Newtown Gun Show until after he gets a variance from a Notice of Violation issued by the township.
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Find out what American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds can cover (and what they cannot) under the Lost Revenue category.
The final rule now offers a “standard” allowance option of up to $10 million of ARP funds as revenue lost due to the public health emergency. While many government services are included in this allowance, there are still restrictions on how to spend ARP funding.
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John Mack's Insights:
Spending of ARP funds was on the agenda of the February 9, 2022, Newtown Board of Supervisors meeting. At that meeting the Township Manager presented a staff "wish list" of items with specifics and dollar amounts. Items on this list include:
- Vehicle Replacements for the Public Works and Police Department
- Facility Improvements - Administration/Public Works/Police
- Improvements to Helen Randle Park and Veteran's Park
- Upgrades to public meeting room A/V system
- Public Improvements: Sycamore Street, Additional Road Paving
- Contributions to Newtown Ambulance Squad and Newtown Fire Association
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At the February 9, 2022, Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, Remington & Vernick Traffic Engineer Derrick Kennedy gave an update and answered questions pertaining the Brixmor Shopping Center traffic impact study and N Sycamore St pedestrian safety report.
View the 14-minute video...
“I would ... like to talk about the size of the show and what it means in terms of traffic and safety," said resident Frank McCarron regarding the proposed Newtown Gun Show. Mr. McCarron made his comments at the February 9, 2022, Newtown Board of Supervisors meeting.
"Does the township know what size crowd [the show] would bring?," asked Mr. McCarron. "For example, does an event like this average 10 persons per table, which would mean 3,500 people coming to the show?
“I believe the residents of the township have a right to know what is the township’s protocol in general and what it will do here in particular in terms of traffic and safety when a large event is being held in the township … as well as who bears that cost,” said Mr. McCarron.
View 10-minute video...
John Mack's Insights:
On my Facebook page, KD asked important questions: "Parking... where are you going to put the cars? Shuttles? From where? What about traffic control and medical? Who is paying for their services?
"In the end the tax payers are going to foot the bill for this show. We will be paying for the police overtime...Forget about driving in the industrial center that will become a parking lot."
The gun show is on hold (postponed) until Mr. Worthington appeals the Notice of Violation issued by the township and when (if) he wins that appeal. In the meantime, I think the township should follow the recommendations made by its solicitor in 2017 and plan to have staff meet with Mr, Worthington and the show's producers to determine the security and traffic control needs for this event and who will pay for that service.
Newtown Gun Show, Walk-Friendly Newtown, Brixmor Shopping Center Traffic Study, North Sycamore Street Pedestrian Safety, Streaming Youtube Video for BOS Meetings, How to Spend American Rescue Funds, More...
This is my personal summary of the February 9, 2022, meeting of Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS). This is not a complete nor an official summary.
In 2021, Arcadia filed two Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) applications to PennDOT to approve the U-turn option. On October 29, 2021, PennDOT returned the second application for further revisions. [See PennDOT’s Response Letter]
Arcadia filed a third HOP application in response to comments from PennDOT and Newtown Township. Will the third time be the charm?
Learn more about the application and see comments from the township submitted as part of the application...
Mack's DataBank
Supervisors are presented with many documents before each Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting. Some of these may involve litigation or other confidential matters but most are public documents. Some – Not All! – are archived on the official township website.
Instead of going through hoops searching for these documents, you can easily access them via my online Google Docs “DataBank.” I call this the “Mack's DataBank.”
The DataBank also includes many of my personal notes, audio/video recordings of meetings (not available elsewhere) and/or comments from residents submitted to supervisors via email.
DataBank Folders...