The restrooms in Newtown Township parks, including:
- Chandler Fields
- Veteran's Park
- Robert's Ridge Park
- Helen Randle Park
have been closed since the spring of 2020. This was due to the risk of contamination from COVID-19 and lack of staffing to thoroughly clean them.
Good news! Newtown Supervisors approved a contract to clean each restroom two times per week.
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The money is in the bank. Bucks County has received $61 million, the first half of the $122 million it has been allocated by the federal American Rescue Plan Act.
County Chief Operating Officer Margie McKevitt said Wednesday during a commissioners meeting that the coronavirus relief money had been transferred to the county and now officials will determine how to best spend it.
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Newtown will receive $1.93 million - half this year and half next year. HOW DO YOU THINK THE MONEY SHOULD BE SPENT? TAKE MY SURVEY and tell me.
In this 10-minute audio snippet, Holly Fishel, Policy & Research Director at PSATS (Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors), continues the review American Rescue Plan permitted uses. Her comments were made at a May 14, 2021, PSATS "Town Hall" webinar.
Ms. Fishel covered more details on “Permitted Uses” including pay for essential workers, lost revenue replacement, infrastructure investments (e.g., roads), etc.
Listen to the podcast...
Chop’t restaurant in Newtown Shopping Center, potholes fixed, park restrooms to be re-opened, Emergency Services Department April 2021 Report, More...
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The trails were closed “indefinitely” to the public in the spring of 2017 due to trees killed by an insect known as the Emerald Ash Borer. But after 4 years of inaction, some people believe it is time to have a plan to do what is necessary to open these trails again to the public.
Along with Elen Snyder, 2021 candidate for Newtown Supervisor, I recently walked the 1-mile Blue Trail in the park. The purpose was to evaluate for ourselves the potential danger of dead ash trees to hikers and to get an idea of the condition of the stream banks.
What needs to be done? Removal of dangerous trees may be less expensive than anticipated. Read more and find out why...
Pennsylvania police agencies are whiter than communities they serve, even as leaders pursue diversity
Following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer a year ago, law enforcement across the country renewed promises to diversify their departments.
Yet even in big cities like Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, where minorities outnumber white residents, most police officers still are white men.
Available federal data shows the lack of diversity in police agencies is a national problem. As more veteran minority police officers approach retirement age, there are not enough new minority officers to take their places.
John Mack's Insights:
The Newtown Police Department currently has 28 officers (not counting the Chief), 2 (7%) of which are white women. There are no minority police officers.
Newtown Police Chief John Hearn has said that he has confidence in the diversity of the application process he uses via the Police Chiefs Association of Bucks County. At the May 12, 2021, Board of Supervisors meeting, the Chief reported that there were only 205 applications for the May 22 Bucks County Consortium Police Officer Exam. This is less than half the number who registered for the test last year. The deadline for registering was May 14.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? Should Newtown Police Department Hire Qualified Officers of Color? TAKE MY SURVEY
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