Category: Roads
The “Dolington Deep Ditch” Must Be Repaired!
Posted on 17 Jul 2024, 01:15 - Category: Roads
2022 Road Paving Schedule

Posted on 20 Aug 2022, 01:03 - Category: Roads
2020 Road Repair Program
After much delay due to COVID-19 re-allocation of repair funds to the General Fund (read "2020 Road Program Falls Victim to COVID-19" and see below), the revised road repair program is underway.
The 1.0 mill real estate tax slated to be used to borrow money to repave more than 5 miles of roads in 2020 was "re-allocated" to cover General Fund expenses - a drastic move in anticipation of an Earned Income Tax (EIT) revenue shortfall of 8-11% due to the COVID-19 shutdown of local businesses. That shortfall, however, never materialized. According to Keystone Collections, which collects EIT, at the close of August 2020, Bucks Tax Collection District (TCD) ended up with an increase of about $1.6million from 2019. As it stands now, the TCD as a whole is up a little over $55,000.00 in 5th quarter money! Comparing earned income collections for 1/1/20 – 8/31/20 vs 1/1/19 – 8/31/19, Newtown Township specifically is up about $258,000.00 or 4.8%.
At the July 8, 2020, Board of Supervisors meeting (here), the township engineer reported that after discussion with Township staff it was decided to complete the work included under the base bid and alternate bids 7, 8, and 9. The total is roughly 2.8 miles of roads.

The following roads are scheduled to be repaved in 2020:
- Swamp Rd (from the Bypass to Sycamore St)
- Fountain Farm Ln
- Newtown Gate Dr
- Penns St
- Upper Silver Lake Rd (From Newtown Yardley Rd to Vera Ave)
- Silver Lake Rd (between N. Penns Trail & L. Dolington Rd)
- Newtown Yardley Rd (Patch Paving between Tara Blvd & N. Penns Trail)
The Schedule
Posted on 13 Sep 2020, 11:17 - Category: Roads
2019 Newtown Township Road Paving Schedule
This past March, the Newtown Board of Supervisors approved the milling and repaving of 2.73 miles of roadway at a cost of $706,596.20. The currently projected paving schedule is shown in the table below.
UPDATE (July 10, 2019): Due to weather conditions, some paving activities have been delayed. Access the latested REVISED paving schedule here.
See the maps showing the locations of the sections of these roads scheduled to be repaved here.
Read More...Posted on 27 Jun 2019, 12:11 - Category: Roads
The 2019 Road Improvement Program
In 2019, Newtown Township plans to perform roadway rehabilitation along several Township roads. A portion of the funding for this project will be provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Municipal Liquid Fuels Program Definition.
At the February 13, 2019, Board of Supervisors (BOS) meeting, the Township was authorization to advertise the 2019 Road Program. Newtown Township will utilize the PennBid electronic bidding to receive sealed bids for this program. PennBid efficiently matches buyers and sellers of goods and services. It is hoped that by submitting the bids early, that the Township will receive competitive bids and get a good deal.
The project locations include 11 roads (2.34 miles) in the “Base Bid” and 8 “Alternate Roads,” one or more of which will be included in the project if the chosen lowest acceptable base bid comes in below the budgeted amount of $710,000 ($640,000 from the Liquid Fuels Program).
BASE BIDS will cover the following 11 roads (a total of 2.34 miles):
- Merion Drive: full length including intersections with E. and W. Burns Lane;
- E. Burns Lane: full length;
- W. Burns Lane: full length;
- Hillside Road and Clearview Drive: full length;
- Cliveden Drive: Cliveden Drive to Brookdale Place, including the intersection with Brookdale Place.
- Eldrigde Road: full length;
- Linton Hill Road: full length from Stoopville Road to the culvert over the tributary to Newtown Creek, including intersections with Waterford Place, Wrights Road, and Winding Lane
- Hershey Court: full length, including cul-de-sac;
- Hickory Court: full length, including cul-de-sac;
- Gettysburg Lane: full length, including cul-de-sac;
- Cherry Lane: full length, including cul-de-sac
ALTERNATE BIDS will also be accepted for the following 8 roads (a total of 1.08 miles):
- Primrose Court: full length, including cul-de-sac;
- Terry Drive: from Pheasant Run Road to Blacksmith Road, including the intersection with Blacksmith Road;
- Blacksmith Road: from Terry Drive to the cul-de-sac approximately 1,000 feet east of the intersection with Terry Drive;
- Sycamore Street: from the Newtown Bypass (Route 332) to Durham Road;
- Bedford Lane: full length, including both culs-de-sac;
- Hampton Circle: full length, including cul-de-sac;
- Brighton Place: full length, including cul-de-sac;
- Chatham Place: full length.
Bids will be opened in a public meeting on Tuesday, March 19, 2019, at 10:00 AM at the Newtown Township Administration Building, 100 Municipal Drive, Newtown, PA 18940.
UPDATE (March 27, 2019): The Board discussed a motion to award to Harris Blacktopping, Inc., The Base Bid, Alternate Bid No. 2 and Alternate No. 3 in the amount of $706,596.20 for 2.73 miles of roadway. Mr. Mack asked about alternate roads included and Ms. Colubriale said the two alternates awarded were Terry Drive and Blacksmith Road. Access the official list here.
Posted on 11 Mar 2019, 01:17 - Category: Roads
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