Category: Environment
Sewage Treatment Plan Coming to Newtown?

Posted on 09 Sep 2023, 01:35 - Category: Environment
BCWSA & Aqua Host Meeting With Municipal Partners

Posted on 26 Jul 2022, 10:32 - Category: Environment
BCATO Opposes Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority Sale

Posted on 22 Jul 2022, 10:53 - Category: Environment
Upper Makefield Township Offers Tree Rebates
UMTree Grants
Available for Spring Plantings from April - June or Fall Plantings from September -November
Upper Makefield Township (UMT) announces availability of a limited number of tree planting grants. The UMTree Grants target the following areas of reforestation:
- Riparian Buffer Areas (properties located near streams/creeks)
- Properties Impacted by Severe Weather and Flooding
- Properties Promoting Wildlife Habitat
- Thermal Protection of Homes (shade in the summer and wind barriers in winter)
All property owners are eligible to apply for rebates, per the following guidelines:
- UMT will reimburse up to $50/tree (total tree cost, plus shipping) for Pennsylvania native trees, $25/tree for tree planting, and $6/tree for deer protection.
- The maximum reimbursement per parcel will be $975 or up to 12 trees.
- UMTree Grants are limited in availability and will be awarded on a first come/first served basis.
These grants are funded through contributions from local land developers and not through tax dollars.
Any tree that appears on the following list is eligible for reimbursement: Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources Native Plant Landscaping brochure
Reimbursement requests must be submitted to the Township as soon as possible after planting with the required documentation listed below. All requests are subject to review by Township staff, the Environmental Advisory Council and the Board of Supervisors.
UMT reserves the right to refuse payment if grant specifications are not met.
If you have questions about tree species or size, please contact or call the Township office at 215-968-3340.
All grants are on a first come/first served basis, and please note there are a limited number of grants available.
Read More...Posted on 29 May 2021, 01:39 - Category: Environment
Newtown Artesian Water Publishes Q4 2019 PFAS Test Results
After the Newtown Artesian Water Company (NAWC) sent a letter to residents in February 2019, that PFAS Definition - perfluorinated compounds - were detected in Newtown's water, Supervisor Mack requested that Mr. Dan Angove, NAWC General Manager, return to report on the situation. Mr. Angove complied and presented the Q1 2019 test results at the May 8, 2019, Board of Supervisors public meeting (read "Update on PFAS in Newtown's Water Supply").
At that meeting, Mr. Angove promised that NAWC would test Newtown's water sources for PFAS every quarter and publish the results on its website. The 2019 fourth quarter (Q4) results are now available. I created the following charts to show the levels of PFAS in relation to different Minimum Contamination Levels (MCLs Definition) and the trends.

Lower MCLs Are Needed Say Experts
There are several conflicting standards for what is considered safe levels for perfluorinated compounds in drinking water. Breana Hashman, a staff scientist and program manager with the Clean Water Action/Fund, an environmental advocacy group recently wrote an opinion piece in the Bucks County Courier Times in which she said:
"This is enough evidence to warrant interim measures for these communities, such as temporary lowered maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for PFAS in drinking water that were enacted by municipal water authorities in Warrington, Warminister and Horsham," said Hashman.
Further Reading
- "Top Toxicologist Banned From Saying #PFAS Causes Disease. She Says the Data is 'Pretty Clear' in Relation to Immune Response, Kidney Cancer, and Cholesterol in Humans"
- "PFAS in Drinking Water: The Science Behind Minimum Risk Levels"
Posted on 19 Mar 2020, 11:50 - Category: Environment
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