Summary of September 25, 2019, Newtown Township BOS Public Meeting
The following is a brief summary of the September 25, 2019, 2019, Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS Definition) meeting based upon the official minutes of that meeting, which you can find here. In attendance and voting were Supervisors: Chairman Phillip Calabro, Vice Chairman Linda Bobrin, Secretary John Mack and member Dennis Fisher. Also in attendance were: Township Manager Micah Lewis, Township Engineer Leanna Colubriale and Township Solicitor David Sander. Member Kyle Davis was absent.
Fiscal Responsibility
RFP for 5-Year Financial Plan: [Read "Newtown Township To Develop a 5-Year Financial Plan" for background.] Mr. Lewis reported the Township received one response to the RFP. He recommended forwarding the response to the Finance Committee for review and upon review come back to the BOS with a recommendation. Mr. Calabro agreed stating since the Finance Committee formatted the RFP, they should be involved in the vetting process. Mr. Mack questioned the receipt of only one proposal and Mr. Lewis explained that ten firms responded, however only one proposal was received. As the liaison for the Finance Committee, Mr. Fisher said the Committee would like to review the proposal. There was further discussion on whether to move forward with one proposal and the process on how to reissue if necessary. It was agreed that Mr. Lewis will pass the response to the Finance Committee to review and they will then report their findings to the BOS and possibly bring the candidates in to meet the Board.
Public Safety
August 2019 ESD Report: Chief Forsyth reported during August the ESD responded to 91 calls for service including one building fire, two dwelling fires and two vehicle extrications. He reviewed the training hours and inspections completed. The Chief also said there was one new firefighter sworn in and he thanked four emergency service workers for spearheading the hiring process. He also reported that the ESD, along with the PD attended two days of active shooter incident training. Chief Forsyth also said that approval is needed to extend the Fire Service Agreement through 2020.
Reports of Committees, Boards and Commissions
Human Relations Commission: Mr. Mack shared information from the Human Relations Commission stating two members will not be looking to be reappointed resulting in two openings at the end of the year. He said the HRC is looking into more public outreach and would like their information to be published on the Township website. Mr. Lewis said they must send the information to the Township and it will be updated on the website.

Posted on 24 Oct 2019, 14:27 - Category: Board of Supervisors Minutes
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