Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons Proposed for North Sycamore Street
The Township Engineer is proposing that Newtown install push button activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at the unsignalized crossing at N Sycamore St and Silo Dr, plus additional improved signage and striping, and ADA curb ramp improvements.
This area has long been a danger to pedestrians. It took a pedestrian death at that location (read “Pedestrian Struck and Killed on North Sycamore Street in Newtown Township While Catching an Uber”) for action to be taken to make improvements such as adding piano stripes to the crosswalks for improved visibility (read “Newtown Supervisors Act To Improve Pedestrian Safety”).
Below is a video from the Federal Highway Administration showing the use of RRFBs:
Specifically, overhead RRFBs as shown in the photo below are being proposed. This would provide maximum visibility of the beacons to oncoming traffic.
At the November 22, 2022, BOS meeting, supervisors approved a Keystone Grant application for $50,000 to help pay for this pedestrian safety measure. The complete plan is shown below:

According to the grant application, the total project cost estimate is $183,371. If the $50,000 grant is awarded, the township is committed to contributing the remaining project costs in the amount of $133,371. The matching funds will come from the Township’s capital fund. According to the 2021 Audit: “As of the end of 2021, the Transportation Services Area Fund 2 has a balance of $1,174,068.”
Another Dangerous Crosswalk!
Residents of Newtown Walk have been asking the township to improve pedestrian safety at the mid-bloc crossing at Newtown-Yardley Rd and Tara Blvd (see “#NewtownPA Walk Residents Ask for Additional Pedestrian Safety Measures”). One resident recently submitted a White Paper, "Optimizing Pedestrian Safety At Mid-Block Crosswalks," to the BOS. The BOS has agreed to discuss this with residents at a public meeting. Stay informed...
Posted on 30 Nov 2022, 11:07 - Category: Public Safety
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