Summary of January 13, 2021, BOS Meeting
Chick-fil-A, Arcadia III, Police Report, Police Dept Diversity
The following is a brief summary of the January 13, 2021, Newtown Township Board of Supervisors (BOS Definition) public meeting based upon the official minutes of that meeting, which you can find here. You also can view the video archive here.
Newtown Bucks Associates Settlement Agreement Re Chick-fil-A: [Township Solicitor Dave Sander] explained that Newtown Bucks Associates had applied for and received variance relief for parking calculations and from a requirement to utilize a loading area for Chick –Fil-A but was denied relief for impervious surface of 61.70% where 50% is required and 59.65% is currently existing in order to construct a 12,500 square foot pad site [originally for Old Navy; read "So what's the status of the proposed Old Navy at the Newtown Shopping Center?"], which had been part of the original approved plan.
Mr. Mack asked whether the Zoning Hearing Board has agreed to the stipulation agreement. Mr. McGuinness [representing Newtown Bucks Associates] said that a condition of approval is the approval of the Board of Supervisors; the Zoning Hearing Board must vote on the agreement at a public meeting. Mr. Sander confirmed that the Zoning Hearing Board would vote on the agreement if the Supervisors have already agreed to it. Mr. Oxley expressed concern that the plan might not relieve the traffic conditions at Chick-Fil-A or at the intersection at the entrance to the shopping center.
Discussion of motion: Resident Frank McCarron objected to the agreement as it does not adequately address conflicts between Chick-Fil-A traffic and cars attempting to go to Staples. The motion failed 2-3, with Messrs. Davis, Oxley and Mack voting nay.
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John Mack's Insights:
Public Comments re: Arcadia III : Resident Eric Scott Gold said that the residents of Eagle Ridge, Newtown Crossing, Liberty Square and Crowne Point recently met to discuss their ongoing litigation with Arcadia for the property at Buck Road and Newtown Bypass. Eagle Ridge’s attorney [Steve Harris] indicated that Eagle Ridge had the best chance of success in the appeals process so he asked that the Township share in the legal expenses of these residents. Resident Mike Gallagher said that he has also attended these meetings for the appeal and the Eagle Ridge case is stronger and has a better chance of success. He urged the Board to consider working with Eagle Ridge
Mr. Sander noted that the Township is appealing the deemed approval of Arcadia plan #3. Eagle Ridge has joined this appeal as parties; they are incurring their own expenses and the Township is not in a position to pay legal fees for the other parties in this appeal.
Mr. Calabro moved to table this discussion until the Board has more information on the matter. Mr. Fisher seconded. The motion passed 3-2, with Messrs. Davis and Mack voting nay.
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John Mack's Insights:
Public Safety
Police Report: Police Chief John Hearn reported that the department had responded to 1012 calls in the last month, a decrease of 25% over last year. There have been 10 arrests, 12 new detective cases, 3 frauds and 16 deer-vehicle collisions. A new officer, Justin Price, has been sworn in. This year’s “Shop with a Cop” hosted 110 children. In response to Mr. Oxley’s question, Chief Hearn recounted a recent carjacking incident which involved a chase on the Bypass to I95, where the carjacker was apprehended at the Street Road exit. The chase involved Newtown and State Police.
Mr. Oxley asked about Mr. McCarron’s questions about diversity hiring. Chief Hearn said that he has reached out to the City of Philadelphia for a more diverse pool of qualified applicants for a possible summer hire.
Mr. Mack asked about the number of false alarms the department has been responding to. Chief Hearn said that there is a fine of about $75 involved if the department has to respond three or more times to the same location.
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John Mack's Insights:
Summary of Votes on Motions

My Personal Notes
The following are my personal notes that I used to prepare for this meeting. You can also download the PDF version here.
Posted on 12 Feb 2021, 12:35 - Category: Board of Supervisors Minutes
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