June 2021 Newtown Fire & Emergency Services Report
According to the the June 2021 Monthly Report for the Emergency Services Department (ESD) and the Newtown Fire Association (NFA), there were 111 combined calls for service that month. The breakdown according to the type of call/incident is shown in the following chart:

EMS=Rescue and Emergency Medical Service;
Good Intent Call=Someone thought there was a fire or emergency but it turned out otherwise (e.g., smelled smoke, but no fire or cause found).
Of the 111 calls/incidents in June, 2021, 90 (81%) were in Newtown Township and 12 (11%) were in Newtown Borough. The rest were in Northampton Twp (5), Middletown Twp (3), and Lower Makefield (1). The locations of these calls are shown in the map below (multiple calls to the same location are not shown):
NOTE: To determine which calls were made by the paid Newtown Twp ESD (NT-ESD) versus those made by the volunteer NFA, you must refer to the June 2021 Monthly Report, which includes the date and time of day of each call. NT-ESD operates 5 days a week from 6 am to 6 pm Monday through Friday. NFA handles calls on weekends and other times during the week.
Posted on 18 Jul 2021, 01:19 - Category: First Responders
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